"Depth" By Abby Carson Linocut Prints
Artist Statement: This piece is titled "Depth" and is a linocut piece. This is titled "Depth" because it shows the depth in someone's face, how each person has their own story and own depth behind their story. People have depth and show it through their backgrounds, stories, friends, family, and practically everything in their lives. My mentor for this piece was Megan, because this is actually based off a picture of her. Megan inspires me to looker deeper into people, and not judge as quickly, learning more about the person and their story instead of judging/assuming so quickly. Megan inspires me everyday to be a better, nicer, and more positive person. In this piece I used color to bring out the features of Megan's face, by showing the brightness of the flowers, and the depth of her eyes and what they tell about her past. I included a road, with a sun, and flowers to show Megan's traveling background. Megan took a 6 week road trip and...