
"Depth" By Abby Carson Linocut Prints

Artist Statement: This piece is titled "Depth" and is a linocut piece. This is titled "Depth" because it shows the depth in someone's face, how each person has their own story and own depth behind their story. People have depth and show it through their backgrounds, stories, friends, family, and practically everything in their lives. My mentor for this piece was Megan, because this is actually based off a picture of her. Megan inspires me to looker deeper into people, and not judge as quickly, learning more about the person and their story instead of judging/assuming so quickly. Megan inspires me everyday to be a better, nicer, and more positive person. In this piece I used color to bring out the features of Megan's face, by showing the brightness of the flowers, and the depth of her eyes and what they tell about her past. I included a road, with a sun, and flowers to show Megan's traveling background. Megan took a 6 week road trip and...

Linocut Sketches


Meaningful/Important Picture

This is a picture of my sister and I. I think that the most important and meaningful part of my life, is family. Family is always there for you and is always there to help. Being able to have these relationships helps me through the daily struggles and stresses of life. Family is the group of people that we are lucky enough to have right with us whenever we need them. Family holds memories, happiness, and comfort, all things that we need in life to get through the simple and big things. Family, no matter what happens, will always hold a special place in my heart, whether it be the concept of family, or the people that make life great. Family is consistently the glue that holds our hearts together. 

Love/Fear Pictures

Love: I love animals. Animals are always something I have enjoyed to be around and cuddle with. Animals in my opinion are a source of therapy and can always calm me down when need be. Animals are always joyful to see us and don't want anything more from us, than a little pet and love, sometimes a kiss. Animals are genuine and I don't know what life would be like without them.  Fear:  I fear standing out from a crowd. In society today we are always trying to be unique and different from the general crowd, but I fear that. This is one of my biggest fears because I never know how people will react when we act differently then the general crowd. I represented this by using one color of the same paper and one of a different color standing out in the crowd.

Carving Out The Light

In this piece of art my goal was to show the merge between the darkness and points of light. I was aiming to bring out the white light by carving it out with an eraser. I was able to use an eraser to carve out the light, a black piece of charcoal to darken up the areas in the back, and finally go in with white chalk to bring out the white areas even more. The portrait is about dramatic shadows, because it obviously shows the depth of the darkness and those shadows bring some serious drama towards any white areas. The most difficult challenge I had to face, was trying to keep the dark areas extra dark so that they looked very sharp and very black. Also trying to keep my arm from messing up the portrait itself, and trying to figure out the size of the pumpkins and where I should start them. My portrait really works in the background where the person is peeking over. This really works because it goes from the deepest black shade I use to the very white chalk and its very dramatic and...

Element of Art: Color

This picture is a picture I snapped while driving by a sunflower field this weekend on my way to a concert. I thought it was beautiful and represented color in a significant way. It shows the light blue as some shades of yellow, orange, and pink are able to blend with each other and create this wispy bursting look of color.  This picture is of some beautiful fall flowers. Although they are fake, they show the beauty of how certain colors look with each other. The photo shows that yellow, orange, and red are all variations of each other and together can create a beautiful picture. This photo is a piece of one of the hallway pictures I saw. The picture shows colors that are broken into small pieces that are put together to create a meaningful picture. There is mainly color in this photo and very few spaces that aren't filled with bright colors, which shows just how color can brighten an area.  This a photo of some fruits that I loved the way there was s...

Pumpkin Thumbnail Sketches

These are the four thumbnail sketches I did of the pumpkins. I choose to focus more on which angle I will be looking at of the pumpkins and how that will affect the size, view, and placement of the finished portrait.